Page name: Undead Zoo! Facility Daycare [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-14 07:29:54
Last author: Kbird
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
# of watchers: 3
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D20: 16
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Facility Daycare:

Theme song is 'In My Arms' by Plumb.

This is where the Facility's children stay while their parents work.

Outside the Daycare:


Inside the Daycare:


GO TO: Undead Zoo! Facility Daycare 2

Return to: Undead Zoo!

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2013-02-18 [Kbird]: AWSOME!!

2013-02-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Thanks. :D

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: awww ancients off.<:O

2013-02-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah... I chose Momo and Alamar and ancient's characters are Sean and Fuyu.

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: right!

2013-02-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Sorry I was gone so long, my mom needed me.

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: tis fine.

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: I love the location pic!!! :D

2013-02-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Thanks. :D

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: oops I spelled Hana with two Ns

2013-02-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol It's ok.

2013-02-18 [Kbird]: Lol I LOVE THE LITTLE KIDS!!

2013-02-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: Me too.

2013-02-18 [ancienteye]: Heh, heh. I love playing the bratty ones. <img:Untitled-1.gif>

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